I'm sitting at The Elephant House, the place where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter.
The Elephant House: Birthplace of Harry Potter

They have a wall of articles dedicated to J.K. Rowling.

Rowling liked to the view in The Elephant House overlooking Edinburgh castle and Greyfriar's Graveyard for inspiration when writing some of the first Harry Potter novels.

Ian Rankin, author of the Rebus novels, and Alexander McCall-Smith have both also frequented The Elephant House, as well as many others.
I really love this place! I'm using the internet cafe to finally upload some pictures. I'm sipping my new favorite beverage, Cider (and not that cider beer stuff, the real cider alcohol drink.)

And they are playing Michael Jackson and Billie Holiday. Ahhh! Finally... things are have slowed down enough for me to stop and just take in the evening and atmosphere.

More blogging soon, and don't forget to click on the links to the Photo Albums at the end of most blogs.
Wish you were here!
Pictures of The Elephant House
How cool. I hope you are having a great time. Be sure and have some of the good tea and biscuits.